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Tag Archives: LCD

arduino 2x16 lcd ds3231 dht11 spl freetronics

Arduino Info display

Hi all, I know I haven’t updated my blog for a long time. Apologies. This is is because of spending time with my family and work. I’ll try to post small guides from time to time. This Christmas I wanted to play a little bit

Pong Game in Lcd with Arduino

A really fun and simple enough project for beginners in Arduino posted by Ryan from By using simple components like resistors, leds,  an lcd and of course an arduino he build a pong game. The schematic below shows how simple it is. The Arduino Sketch

K-type Thermometer with LCD in Arduino Nano

Today I wanted to make some temperature measurements in my lab because I recently moved to a new house and I have a feeling that some times the heating is on more often than it should. Some spare parts were laying around and a very