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Category Archives: Javascript

Skill tests for front-end developers

Sitthetest is a nice website that popped in my twitter feed this week. It has some tests that you can take in order to check your level in html, css, and javascript. Give it a try here.

Get the title of a referral url with Javascript

If there is a need to retrieve the title by just passing the url to one of your applications this can be done with this tiny jQuery plugin I wrote. It uses yql to bypass the cors restriction and its really easy to use. Requirements

Windows Azure DocumentDB in NodeJS app

I’ve read a few weeks ago a small article about DocumentDB in Windows Azure which is Microsoft’s NoSQL solution in cloud, but I didn’t have time to go more in depth, until today! I came across this wonderful tutorial which explains in detail how to develop a

firebase logo

Firebase Guide

Ok so you heard about firebase and you are looking on how to make use of it in your projects. The easiest way to start is to go through the simple guide the guys in tutsplus posted few weeks ago. It has all the basic

A handy client-side scraping library – Artoo.js

Its nice to have handy small applications, libraries etc to use in your daily tasks. Few days ago I found Artoo.js which is a small library and the owner’s website states “is a piece of JavaScript code meant to be run in your browser’s console

Understand how simple is to use Grunt

Chris Coyier wrote a great guide in which he explains how easily is to learn and use Grunt. For those that don’t, Grunt is a task manager that will help you with your daily tasks as a developer. Chris shows how to install and start

Leap year check in C#/Javascript

The easiest way to check if the year supplied to your app is a leap one just execute the if statement below if( Year % 400 == 0 || ( Year % 4 == 0 && Year % 100 != 0 ) ) {}  

Reserved Keywords in Javascript

In stackoverflow you can find real gems! Somebody asked for the reserved keywords in javascript and he got them as a ….poem! Let this long package float, Goto private class if short. While protected with debugger case, Continue volatile interface. Instanceof super synchronized throw, Extends

Choose the right javascript mvc framework

Javascript Mvc frameworks is the latest hype in development world. Except Backbone and Knockout that are around two years out there, there are plenty more. I am sure you don’t want to miss this train so jump into this well written article by  Craig McKeachie. He

How to get the size of a javascript Object

There are times that you will need to get the size of an object but the lack of .length maybe will drive you crazy. The solution is simple. Just create a function in which you pass the object as a parameter and then loop through
