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free online courses

Hundreds of free online courses about programming

A few years ago there were very little resources to those who wanted to start a career in development. You either had to graduate from a university or reading books. Today there are many free online courses available to anyone. The quality is really high due


How to drop all MongoDB databases

The title of the article is pretty much self-explanatory. So the easiest way I found to drop all your MongoDB databases from mongo CLI is to run this simple command which actually what it does is it goes through the result of getDBNames function and


MongoDB – Address already in use for socket:

If you are like me who today tried to start mongod and got the error below [initandlisten] ERROR: listen(): bind() failed errno:48 Address already in use for socket: [initandlisten] ERROR: addr already in use [initandlisten] now exiting Then what have to do instead of restarting

npm config delete prefix

  It turns out that if you are an NVM package (fantastic tool for switching between nodejs versions) user in macOS you will come across at some point to the following error message when you open a bash or zsh terminal npm config delete prefix or nvm use –delete-prefix

Angular 5.0.0

Angular 5.0.0 is now available

Angular 5.0.0 with code name pentagonal-donut is now available. This is a major release containing new features and bugfixes. This release continues Angular’s team focus on making Angular smaller, faster, and easier to use. Here is the changelog 5.0.0 pentagonal-donut (2017-11-01) Features animations: allow @.disabled


Visual Studio Code Keyboard Shortcuts

Below you can find a cheatsheet with all the shortcuts for Visual Studio Code editor.  As you can see there are three flavours, one for Windows, one for Linux and one for MacOS. Windows   Linux MacOS


Largest FREE Microsoft eBook Giveaway

Every year Eric Ligman is giving away a bunch of free eBooks, reference guides, Step-By-Step Guides, and other informational resources. For 2017 check the list below. Those for Azure look interesting…. Category Title Format Azure Introducing Windows Azure™ for IT Professionals PDF MOBI EPUB Azure

Microsoft's Xbox One X

Microsoft’s Xbox One X is here

The Xbox One X, the world’s most powerful console, has been officially unveiled at the E3 videogame conference. The new Xbox – previously codenamed Project Scorpio – will be released in November, and offers 40% more power than any other console, with better graphics and sound. Phil Spencer,


Write your own Virtual DOM

There are two things you need to know to build your own Virtual DOM. You do not even need to dive into React’s source. Or into source code of any other Virtual DOM implementations. They are so large and complex — but in reality the main part


How to install watchman on Linux

Watchman is a popular file watcher made by google and usually first choice for react-native developers. Watchman can also trigger actions (such as rebuilding assets) when matching files change. If you are a linux user it might be a little bit tricky to install it.