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Tag Archives: macOS

How to find and kill a process on port 8080 on Mac

Sometimes you may get an error message “ECONNREFUSED” especially if you are having many bash terminals open and you spin multiple webservers. So if you just want to find and kill the process on the x port that is causing the trouble, in this


MongoDB – Address already in use for socket:

If you are like me who today tried to start mongod and got the error below [initandlisten] ERROR: listen(): bind() failed errno:48 Address already in use for socket: [initandlisten] ERROR: addr already in use [initandlisten] now exiting Then what have to do instead of restarting

npm config delete prefix

  It turns out that if you are an NVM package (fantastic tool for switching between nodejs versions) user in macOS you will come across at some point to the following error message when you open a bash or zsh terminal npm config delete prefix or nvm use –delete-prefix