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Monthly Archives: December 2013

GitHub – 10 million repositories

  Github became very quickly developers second home. And why not if you ask me, its well build and well maintained. The github guys,  just few days before the end of 2013 are celebrating the 10 millionth repository. Pretty exciting!  Here is a quote from their latest

Choose the right javascript mvc framework

Javascript Mvc frameworks is the latest hype in development world. Except Backbone and Knockout that are around two years out there, there are plenty more. I am sure you don’t want to miss this train so jump into this well written article by  Craig McKeachie. He

Free programming books!

One of the best repositories in Github is this one. As you can see, you can find hundreds of books completely free! From c# and to windows 8 and linux are all there waiting for you. I am visiting often this repo, because it

Salvaging LCDs

Most of electronic devices are not build to last for ever, and you can see that by visiting your local recycling area for electronic waste. But there are many parts in lets say a printer that the makers can salvage. Personally when I have free

Dan Wahlin Weekly Newsletter – #4

Dan is on of my favorite developers / tutors out there. Junior developers may already know him from I always take seriously what he says so I think I should mention from my blog for those that don’t know him that every few weeks he moved to

Well, it was about time… Lets face it, that was using, lacks of good add ons. So after spending some time the last few days I was able to move most of the posts. I can’t say the transfer was totally smooth but