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Ionic 3, Angular 4 and Google Maps

A detailed guide by Didin about how to build an Ionic 3 application using Angular 4 and the Google Maps Javascript API. Read the guide here:


TypeScript 2.3 Release Candidate

The TypeScript 2.3 Release Candidate is here today! This release brings more ECMAScript features, new settings to make starting projects easier, and more. To get started with the release candidate, you can grab it through NuGet or over npm through npm install -g typescript@rc You

React VR

React VR React VR is a framework for the creation of VR applications that run in your web browser. It pairs modern APIs like WebGL and WebVR with the declarative power of React, producing experiences that can be consumed through a variety of devices. Leveraging


Facebook React Fiber, a rewrite of React framework

Facebook has completely rewritten React, its popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. The company hasn’t previously talked much about React Fiber, as the project is called, but it has actually been working on it for a while. It’s now ready to talk about this

Building your first React component with Babel and Webpack 2 [Video]

In this video you’ll walk through how to use the right combination of Webpack 2 and Babel 6 in order to build a React app. Specifically, you’ll learn the following packages – react, react-dom, babel-core, babel-loader, babel-preset-env, babel-preset-react, css-loader, html-webpack-plugin, style-loader, webpack.

Arduino-OTTO-STM32 [STM32F469BIT6]

New kid on the block. ST Microelectronics joined forces with Arduino and they delivered the a model with the code name Arduino Star Otto (ARD-OTTO-STM32). It is the first board that includes high-performance graphics, display support, and Wi-Fi link to enable users to create connected systems

Javascript and Css conferences in 2017

JavaScript and css conferences in 2017

In 2017, many conferences for front-end developers will take place so be ready to spend money. Most of them are in Europe which is good for us but if you are in US you should definitely try to get a ticket for ng-conf. John Papa

OrangePi Zero as an Ad-Block server with Pi-Hole [GUIDE]

I recently purchased from Aliexpress the latest Orange Pi Zero for 6.99$. It is a nice little microcomputer with the specs you see below: Hardware specification CPU H2 Quad-core Cortex-A7 H.265/HEVC 1080P. GPU ·Mali400MP2 GPU @600MHz ·Supports OpenGL ES 2.0 Memory (SDRAM) 256MB/512MB DDR3 SDRAM(Share with GPU)(256MB

Microsoft Flow logo

Microsoft Flow is Now Available

Microsoft Flow—the software giant’s answer to IFTTT—is now available, following about six months in beta. Flow is a new cloud-based service that helps you automate tasks and business processes across multiple applications and services, such as Dropbox, Facebook, Twitter, and many others, plus Microsoft solutions

git autocompletion bash

Git auto-completion in Bash

If you are a git user in bash then you will find useful the auto-completion script from For mac users just run in the following commands: curl -O echo “source ~/git-completion.bash” >> .bash_profile Restart your terminal and you are good to go! If