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Category Archives: Software

How to find and kill a process on port 8080 on Mac

Sometimes you may get an error message “ECONNREFUSED” especially if you are having many bash terminals open and you spin multiple webservers. So if you just want to find and kill the process on the x port that is causing the trouble, in this


How to drop all MongoDB databases

The title of the article is pretty much self-explanatory. So the easiest way I found to drop all your MongoDB databases from mongo CLI is to run this simple command which actually what it does is it goes through the result of getDBNames function and


MongoDB – Address already in use for socket:

If you are like me who today tried to start mongod and got the error below [initandlisten] ERROR: listen(): bind() failed errno:48 Address already in use for socket: [initandlisten] ERROR: addr already in use [initandlisten] now exiting Then what have to do instead of restarting

npm config delete prefix

  It turns out that if you are an NVM package (fantastic tool for switching between nodejs versions) user in macOS you will come across at some point to the following error message when you open a bash or zsh terminal npm config delete prefix or nvm use –delete-prefix


Visual Studio Code Keyboard Shortcuts

Below you can find a cheatsheet with all the shortcuts for Visual Studio Code editor.  As you can see there are three flavours, one for Windows, one for Linux and one for MacOS. Windows   Linux MacOS


Azure Application Architecture Guide

This guide presents a structured approach for designing applications on Azure that are scalable, resilient, and highly available. It is based on proven practices that we have learned from customer engagements. Introduction The cloud is changing the way applications are designed. Instead of monoliths, applications

git autocompletion bash

Git auto-completion in Bash

If you are a git user in bash then you will find useful the auto-completion script from For mac users just run in the following commands: curl -O echo “source ~/git-completion.bash” >> .bash_profile Restart your terminal and you are good to go! If

How to disable Material theme in google chrome

As you may have noticed in the latest Google Chrome update there is a big change in UI. Google decided to push for the Material theme in our beloved browser. Many users out there are not happy with this change though. So if you are

travel app resources

Resources for writing a travel app

The last few months I maintain a github repository with resources for building travel applications. You can find information in json format for countries, maps, languages, phone codes etc. Also I wrote a small nodejs rest api that you install in your server if you want


All Azure cloud services in one view

If you are starting with azure and you feel lost with the countless services it offers then you might want to check this link. In a beautifully simple dashboard you can see quickly all the services Microsoft offers to Azure users. A brief description of each service