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Prepack – AOT tool

Prepack is a tool that optimizes JavaScript source code: Computations that can be done at compile-time instead of run-time get eliminated. Prepack replaces the global code of a JavaScript bundle with equivalent code that is a simple sequence of assignments. This gets rid of most

Angular4 debugging

“ Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it. ” — Brian Kernighan In this article Maxim Koretskyi guides us though the


ASP.NET Core Succinctly – Free EBook

In ASP.NET Core Succinctly, seasoned authors Simone Chiaretta and Ugo Lattanzi update you on all the advances provided by Microsoft’s landmark framework. By learning the foundations of the library and understanding the new versions of ASP.NET MVC and Web API, you’ll be equipped with everything

primeng logo

PrimeNG 4.0 Final Release

PrimeTek is pleased to announce the 4.0-Final release of PrimeNG featuring 100+ enhancements over the previous 2.x version.  PrimeNG is a collection of rich UI components for Angular 2+. PrimeNG is a sibling of the popular JavaServer Faces Component Suite, PrimeFaces. All widgets are open source and

Create React App with an Express Backend

Create React App is an awesome way to get started with React. It creates a project structure for you, all set up and ready to go. You get to skip the configuration of Webpack and Babel, and get right down to writing your app. In this

Ionic 3, Angular 4 and Google Maps

A detailed guide by Didin about how to build an Ionic 3 application using Angular 4 and the Google Maps Javascript API. Read the guide here:


TypeScript 2.3 Release Candidate

The TypeScript 2.3 Release Candidate is here today! This release brings more ECMAScript features, new settings to make starting projects easier, and more. To get started with the release candidate, you can grab it through NuGet or over npm through npm install -g typescript@rc You

React VR

React VR React VR is a framework for the creation of VR applications that run in your web browser. It pairs modern APIs like WebGL and WebVR with the declarative power of React, producing experiences that can be consumed through a variety of devices. Leveraging


Facebook React Fiber, a rewrite of React framework

Facebook has completely rewritten React, its popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. The company hasn’t previously talked much about React Fiber, as the project is called, but it has actually been working on it for a while. It’s now ready to talk about this

Building your first React component with Babel and Webpack 2 [Video]

In this video you’ll walk through how to use the right combination of Webpack 2 and Babel 6 in order to build a React app. Specifically, you’ll learn the following packages – react, react-dom, babel-core, babel-loader, babel-preset-env, babel-preset-react, css-loader, html-webpack-plugin, style-loader, webpack.