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Building a Naive Bayes Spam Filter with Testing and Updating Capabilities

In this tutorial, we’ll implement a Naive Bayes spam filter that not only classifies emails but also includes testing functionality and the ability to update its knowledge base with new data.


Our implementation will include:

  • Training on labeled data
  • Spam classification with adjustable threshold
  • Accuracy testing
  • Dynamic model updates
  • Detailed logging and reporting


Here’s the complete implementation of our advanced Naive Bayes classifier:

class NaiveBayesClassifier:
    def __init__(self):
        self.spam_words = {}
        self.ham_words = {}
        self.spam_count = 0
        self.ham_count = 0

    def tokenize(self, text):
        """Converts text to lowercase and splits into words."""
        return text.lower().split()

    def train(self, spam_messages, ham_messages):
        """Trains classifier on initial dataset."""
        self.spam_count = len(spam_messages)
        self.ham_count = len(ham_messages)

        # Process spam messages
        for message in spam_messages:
            words = self.tokenize(message)
            for word in words:
                self.spam_words[word] = self.spam_words.get(word, 0) + 1

        # Process ham messages
        for message in ham_messages:
            words = self.tokenize(message)
            for word in words:
                self.ham_words[word] = self.ham_words.get(word, 0) + 1

    def calculate_probability(self, word, word_counts, message_count, vocabulary_size):
        """Calculates word probability with Laplace smoothing."""
        return (word_counts.get(word, 0) + 1) / (message_count + vocabulary_size)

    def classify(self, message, threshold=0.5):
        """Classifies a message as spam or ham."""
        words = self.tokenize(message)

        # Get complete vocabulary
        vocabulary = set(self.spam_words.keys()) | set(self.ham_words.keys())
        vocabulary_size = len(vocabulary)

        # Calculate prior probabilities
        total_messages = self.spam_count + self.ham_count
        spam_prior = self.spam_count / total_messages
        ham_prior = self.ham_count / total_messages

        # Initialize with priors
        spam_prob = spam_prior
        ham_prob = ham_prior

        # Calculate likelihood
        for word in words:
            spam_prob *= self.calculate_probability(word, self.spam_words, 
                                                  self.spam_count, vocabulary_size)
            ham_prob *= self.calculate_probability(word, self.ham_words, 
                                                 self.ham_count, vocabulary_size)

        # Calculate spamicity
        total_prob = spam_prob + ham_prob
        spamicity = spam_prob / total_prob if total_prob != 0 else 0

        return "spam" if spamicity > threshold else "ham", spamicity

    def update(self, message, label):
        """Updates classifier with new labeled data."""
        words = self.tokenize(message)
        if label == "spam":
            self.spam_count += 1
            for word in words:
                self.spam_words[word] = self.spam_words.get(word, 0) + 1
        elif label == "ham":
            self.ham_count += 1
            for word in words:
                self.ham_words[word] = self.ham_words.get(word, 0) + 1

Using the Classifier

Here’s how to use the classifier with a real example:

# Training data
previous_spam = [
    'send us your password',
    'review our website',
    'send your password',
    'send us your account'
previous_ham = [
    'Your activity report',
    'benefits physical activity',
    'the importance vows'

# Test data
new_emails = {
    'spam': ['renew your password', 'renew your vows'],
    'ham': ['benefits of our account', 'the importance of physical activity']

# Create and train classifier
classifier = NaiveBayesClassifier()
classifier.train(previous_spam, previous_ham)

# Set spam threshold

# Test the classifier
def test_classifier(classifier, test_data, threshold):
    correct = 0
    total = 0

    for true_label, messages in test_data.items():
        for message in messages:
            prediction, spamicity = classifier.classify(message, threshold)
            total += 1
            if prediction == true_label:
                correct += 1

            print(f"Message: '{message}'")
            print(f"Spamicity: {spamicity:.4f}")
            print(f"Prediction: {prediction}")
            print(f"True label: {true_label}\n")

    accuracy = correct / total if total > 0 else 0
    print(f"Accuracy: {accuracy:.2%}")
    return accuracy

Handling Model Updates

One of the key features of our implementation is the ability to update the model with new data:

def update_classifier(classifier, new_data):
    """Updates classifier with new labeled data."""
    for label, messages in new_data.items():
        for message in messages:
            classifier.update(message, label)
            print(f"Updated with message: '{message}' as {label}")

# Test accuracy before updates
print("Initial accuracy:")
initial_accuracy = test_classifier(classifier, new_emails, SPAM_THRESHOLD)

# Update model with new data
print("\nUpdating classifier...")
update_classifier(classifier, new_emails)

# Test accuracy after updates
print("\nAccuracy after updates:")
final_accuracy = test_classifier(classifier, new_emails, SPAM_THRESHOLD)

Key Features and Improvements

  1. Laplace Smoothing
  • Handles unseen words gracefully
  • Prevents zero probability problems
  1. Adjustable Threshold
  • Allows fine-tuning of spam detection sensitivity
  • Can be adjusted based on requirements
  1. Comprehensive Testing
  • Calculates and reports accuracy
  • Shows detailed classification results
  1. Dynamic Updates
  • Model learns from new data
  • Improves accuracy over time

Performance Considerations

  1. Memory Efficiency
  • Uses dictionaries for O(1) word lookups
  • Maintains minimal state
  1. Computational Efficiency
  • Linear time complexity for classification
  • Efficient updates with constant-time operations
  1. Scalability
  • Can handle growing vocabulary
  • Efficient updates with new data

Potential Improvements

  1. Better Tokenization
def improved_tokenize(self, text):
    """Enhanced tokenization with preprocessing."""
    import re
    # Convert to lowercase
    text = text.lower()
    # Remove special characters
    text = re.sub(r'[^\w\s]', '', text)
    # Split into words
    words = text.split()
    # Remove short words
    return [w for w in words if len(w) > 2]
  1. Feature Weighting
def calculate_word_weight(self, word):
    """Calculate importance weight for each word."""
    spam_freq = self.spam_words.get(word, 0) / max(self.spam_count, 1)
    ham_freq = self.ham_words.get(word, 0) / max(self.ham_count, 1)
    return abs(spam_freq - ham_freq)
  1. Advanced Probability Calculations
def calculate_log_probability(self, word, is_spam):
    """Use log probabilities to prevent underflow."""
    import math
    if is_spam:
        prob = self.calculate_probability(word, self.spam_words, 
                                        self.spam_count, self.vocabulary_size)
        prob = self.calculate_probability(word, self.ham_words, 
                                        self.ham_count, self.vocabulary_size)
    return math.log(prob) if prob > 0 else float('-inf')


This implementation provides a robust foundation for spam detection that can be extended and improved based on specific needs. The ability to update the model with new data makes it particularly valuable for real-world applications where spam patterns evolve over time.

Key takeaways:

  • Simple yet effective implementation
  • Good balance of accuracy and efficiency
  • Extensible design for future improvements
  • Practical for real-world applications

Remember that while this implementation is good for learning and small-scale applications, production systems might need additional features like:

  • More sophisticated tokenization
  • Multiple classification features beyond just words
  • Integration with other spam detection methods
  • Persistent storage for trained models

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